Leading in Physical Therapy, Personal Training, and Sports Training
Tri•PT Therapy & Training is one of the leading places for physical therapy, personal training, and sports training.
This week’s business of the week is one close and dear to my heart. Back in my running and triathlon days this place was a life saver. I cannot say say enough about this place and the one of a kind owners, Ed Dullmeyer, Eric Dullmeyer, and Phil Tinder.
I was training for my first marathon after several years of running my fair share of 5k’s. After endless hours of training and 3:30AM wake-up calls for the “long run” days, a week before my big endeavor, I woke up with an odd knee pain. I was crushed at the thought not being able to run after so many hours of training. Of course, went to a sports medicine doctor who told me, “you need to just run fewer mile.” My response, ” Uhm… I hate to break it to you doc, but that’s not exactly how this thing works. You train for 26.2 miles and in order to get that medal thing they give you at the finish line, you need to run the full 26.2 miles.”
So, let’s just say, when I get a bee in my bonnet, I will find a way. That’s when I met Ed, a physical therapist helping a friend of mine. She had such a great experience, I decided to visit Tri•PT Therapy & Training.
I learned I had an over use injury that was caused from not stretching enough. Ed helped me stretch and gave me exercises to do and I was able to go on to run the full race; and not only run my first marathon, but several more over the next 10+ years.
What I love most about this place is no matter who you are, or what your ailment, they treat you like a rockstar! To them you might as well be Michael Jordan or whoever your celebrity sports star is; and it’s their job to get you back in the game.
Tri•PT Therapy & Training give excellent service to our community and offer:
- Physical Therapy
- Othopedic Therapy
- Sports Therapy
- Post Injury Rehab
- Joint Therapy
- Post Auto Accident
- Workers Compensation
- Neck and Back Pain, Poot and LE Injury
No sponsorship was paid for this article. This blog post is strictly based on the fabulous experience at Tri•PT Therapy & Training