Time to Switch out the Summer Wardrobe

One of the best things about living in Florida is the weather. The sunshine, blue skies, and a coastal breeze from time to time, depending on where you live in Florida. One of the worst things about living in Florida is, well… the weather! As the summer comes to an end and everyone else in the country is changing out their summer dresses and sandals for sweaters and boots, here in Florida we change out our hot pink flip flops for a less vibrant summer color like a nice brown, orange, or yellow fall color. Which go perfect with the pumpkins and faux fall leaves we place around our front doors, so we can feel like the season is changing.

And really, who are we kidding? Some people think, “It’s Florida! You can wear whatever you want and white shoes are fine. Even after Labor Day,” but should you? Yes, that really is a thing. Don’t believe me, ask my Florida raised Southern Mama! You just don’t wear white after Labor Day, even in Florida; but we give grace for those that do!

So, most Floridians rarely have seasonal clothes simply because we really only have two seasons; and they are called Hot and Kinda’ Cold. I can remember wearing a heavy sweater over a popped collar paired with adorable matching leggings on the first day of school in ninth grade. Sounds reasonable, if I lived in Alaska! The outfit was so hot, I’m surprised I didn’t pass out from heat exhaustion. I’ve come a long way from wearing seasonal outfits made for 30 degree weather and now just embrace the seasons’ color palette. Until recently all my clothes were grouped together by color. Which still allowed me to find the appropriate color for the current season, however my closet was jam packed. At least it was until I caught up with a friend who shared a little well-known secret with me.
What I learned from my style fashionista friend was a little known secret our fashion chic people already know. She stores her seasonal wardrobes in a paid storage unit. Yes, each season a “changing of the guard” happens. With her entire family’s help, she packs up the past season’s wardrobe, drives to the storage unit, and switch out the clothes for the new season’s attire. Mind blowing, right?

Of course this makes complete sense on an organizational level; and it gave me an idea. Why not do this on a smaller scale? Organize my closet by seasons. I took it a step further by taking over half of the closet in our spare bedroom. So, now at the start of each new season, I pack up the passing seasons’ style and switch them out for the new season. Not only has this cut down on the extra clutter in my closet and the occasional, “I can’t find my (fill in the blank) !” temper tantrums; but I feel extra fancy like my fashionista friend with the climate controlled storage unit.
Don’t worry if you don’t have an extra closet to use or the extra cash to pay for a climate controlled storage unit. You can take this same idea and put the past season’s clothing in the back of your closet. Keeping the current season up front where you can easily access them.

Are you still not sure how to organize your closet? Don’t worry. You’re not alone and there are people out there who can help. Check out Home Refreshment, a professional organizer who helps people create a home and lifestyle that is less overwhelming. That sounds lovely, doesn’t it?