Clearing the Clutter

Easier said than done! Do you have the infamous “junk drawer” or how about the “catch all room”? I love how we give these spaces names. I have both, plus a “time out chair” – for the clothes who are not cooperating.
I just assumed I can stay super organized in some areas of my life, like my business, but then let things go in other areas like my closet, the “junk drawer”, and the “catch all room”. Oh! and the “time out chair”. I just accepted this fact about myself. That was until I found Home Refreshment!
When you meet someone who struggles with the same thing, but learns how to overcome it, you can easily trust that person knows how you feel. That’s Hannah, owner of Home Refreshment! She wasn’t always super organized. Which is why I think she is the perfect person to help others create peaceful spaces and teach them how to keep them that way.
She’s not going to judge you on the pile of clothes, aka: “the time out chair” or the “catch all room”.
And, if you’re like me, at some point you can tackle these spaces on your own. But inevitably, once life gets hectic, the clutter returns. Hannah gets it; and she know how to teach people organizational skills that don’t go by the waste side when things get busy.
This is just one way Hannah can help. She also, teaches people how to reduce the amount of “stuff” , time management, physical help in removing unwanted items, and the list goes on.
No matter the level of help you need, Hannah is your girl!
Moving? She can help you with that, too! If you’ve ever moved, you know how stressful that can be. Let Hannah help you move into your new home with a peaceful transition and a lot less clutter.